Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Writing Graphically (Part 2)

I reproduce the bare description given in the previous post:

The heavy rain falls on the greenhouse and I am seated in the shelter. The rain is so heavy that I can hardly see anything.
 A more graphic description of the above can be found in the blog post on the website of The Pear Tree Centre for Education. Read the post to discover how graphic verbs (or action words) such as `pounds' and `slithers' and adjectives (or descriptive words) such as `zinc' and `cold' help to conjure up an image of the scene being described.

When you write next, visualise the scene or action and then, consider what would be the most appropriate words to use. Go over each verb, adjectives and adverb (word that describes an action or another adjective) to ensure that they are descriptive.

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